
Monday, March 1, 2010


Dear Esteemed Reader,

I’m changing my online presence up a bit. For the past year, I’ve been promoting both my adult horror writing and my middle grade fiction from my website, which is just a silly thing to do. The two genres are not compatible.

Hence Forth, I shall be THE MIDDLE GRADE NINJA! Hiya and what have you. This new blog will focus first and foremost on being useful for my fellow middle grade writers out there in the blogosphere. So occasionally I’ll be posting rambles on what I’ve learned with my own writing, but I will more often focus on tools and resources I come across on the internets and would like to share with you.

After a whole year and a half, is going away. It was a good website for me to get my online feet wet, but trying to keep that site current with lengthy reviews and essays and fiction has taken too much time away from my novel writing. I think of the old site as a good rough draft.

I’m still going to write reviews, but they will be short and positive. If I don’t have something nice to say about a book, I’m no longer going to say anything. Also, I’ll be cleaning up my language. Rough talk is all good and well for horror writing, but it won’t do for a middle grade audience. So I’ll watch my mouth and I ask that you do the same. ANY COMMENT LEFT CONTAINING FOUL LANGUAGE WILL BE DELETED.

I’m looking forward to this new blog and I hope you are too. In the meantime, as my focus is being useful, I have reposted all of the 7 Questions For Writers Interviews done at here. If you haven’t read them, check them out. There’s a list of the interviews to the left. I hope to post more interviews here in the near future. Until then, Esteemed Reader, may your ninja craft stay strong.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I like the new blog and new middle-grade attitude! Bravo.


Thanks for stopping by, Esteemed Reader! And thanks for taking the time to comment. You are awesome.