
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Author/Illustrator Teams and an Online Writers Conference

Good morning, Esteemed Reader

I know what you’re thinking: where the heck’s the book of the week? It’s Tuesday, already. Or this might be your first time here and you could be thinking what the heck is a middle grade ninja? Either way, I’m not sure I care for your strong language:)

I'm often asked how I find time to write fiction and maintain this blog and keep up with a demanding full time day job and maintain a happy marriage. Well, the answer is I married a fantastic woman who is very supportive of my writing. The second answer is that when push comes to shove and I only have enough time to do either my fiction or this blog, I choose my fiction. My WIP is and always will be the priority.

Push came to shove this weekend. Not to worry, we are still going to celebrate author Bonnie Doerr and her book Island Sting this week, we’re just going to be celebrating them a little later than usual (I remind you this blog is free). So check by later tonight, maybe tomorrow, and I should have a review up. I really enjoyed Island Sting and I think you will too.

The And Then Story is finished and revised! Hurray for me. I came in on schedule and am now free to play video games again! Yea! As a show of my discipline, I have had Super Mario Galaxy 2 in my possession for almost a month and I have only played the first level. If you are a certain agent who I know reads this blog wondering where the heck the query I promised is now that the book is done, that will be just a little longer. One of the authors interviewed here was kind enough to offer a critique and I’d be a fool to pass that up before sending this on to said dream agent.

In the meantime, I have some links for you, Esteemed Reader. I had a burning question about author/illustrators. My best friend is a very talented artist and my first choice to illustrate anything I write. But is it viable for us to approach agents and editors as an established team? Another dream agent, Mary Kole, was kind enough to answer my question over at her wonderful blog:

Also, there’s going to be an online writers conference held for free in August! Holy great opportunity, Batman! I am so there and I hope to see you there as well, Esteemed Reader:

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Thanks for stopping by, Esteemed Reader! And thanks for taking the time to comment. You are awesome.