
Saturday, July 23, 2011

7 Questions For: Literary Agent Liza Voges

Liza Pulitzer Voges has been a literary agent for childrens' book author and illustrators for almost 30 years working with over 40 clients. Highlights of the years include Lois Ehlert's Caldecott Honor for COLOR ZOO; Gloria Whelan's National Book Award forHOMELESS BIRD; and Sucie Stevenson's E.B. White award for HENRY AND MUDGE AND THE GREAT GRANDPAS. The growth of authors such as Dan Gutman, Joan Holub, Suzanne Williams, Shutta Crum, and many others is what makes the job irresistible.

Picture books are still of interest but I'm also interested in young adult, particularly for boys. A middle grade fantasy would also be fun to see. Check out the Eden Street website at for more information.

And now Liza Voges faces the 7 Questions:

Question Seven: What are your top three favorite books?

I have many, many in both adult and children's books but all time, my three favorite books are MARCH (Brooks), WE'RE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT(Oxenbury), and MOO BAH LA LA LA(Boyton) -- I could read them over and over (have have!)

Question Six: What are your top three favorite movies and television shows?


Question Five: What are the qualities of your ideal client?

Professionalism, loyalty, curiosity -- Professionalism because it shows commitment to the business; loyalty as it shows character, and curiosity as it shows willingness to grow.

Question Four: What sort of project(s) would you most like to receive a query for?

Unique historical fiction such as REVOLUTION or NORTHERN LIGHT or PRISONER IN THE PALACE and a wonderful middle grade fantasy.

Question Three: What is your favorite thing about being an agent? What is your least favorite thing?

My favorite thing is finding just the right editor for an author! Least favorite thing is reading more contracts in a day than manuscripts -- actually that is bittersweet!

Question Two: What one bit of wisdom would you impart to an aspiring writer? (feel free to include as many other bits of wisdom as you like)

Read, read, read and know your market! Take time to enjoy the craft too!

Question One: If you could have lunch with any writer, living or dead, who would it be? Why?

Louisa May Alcott -- I love to know more about how her sense of family came to be such a means to her creativity and talent.


  1. She sounds like a great agent.

    I'd love to be in the restaurant with Dan Gutman, John Lennon and Paul M--with Ms. Voges and Louisa May at adjoining tables!

  2. Liza Voges sounds like an awesome agent. I'm excited she's looking for middle grade fantasy and she's Shutta Crum's agent, who is a friend of mine.

    I loved reading Louise May Alcott as a kid.

  3. Hey you! I just gave you a Liebster Award! You have such a great selection of guests -- I always love stopping by your blog!

  4. Thanks for introduction Robert. (and for being so generous by providing these interviews) About Liza PULITZER Voges I am curious about that middle name . . . Also, sounds like a great agent.

  5. I loved reading Louise May Alcott as a kid. Swords


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