
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

NINJA STUFF: Winding Down for the Holidays

As you can see, Mrs. Ninja and I are shining a signal in the sky and waiting for our little crime-fighter to be born. We had the nerdiest and best baby shower ever last weekend. The theme was children's books (naturally) and the cake was a replica of the cover from James and the Giant Peach. My poor child is already a book nerd whether he wants to be or not.

Behind my son's many Bat suits (we've since received two more and multiple Batman socks and even a blanket) are the pieces of a crib I still need to put together. Little Ninja is set to arrive sometime in December and as we get closer, I have less time to write. I have no idea how much writing time I'll manage to scrounge once he's actually here, but I'm hard at work on The And Then Story 2: And Then-er, set to be released in 2015 (more on that later). As always, if I have to choose between blogging and writing, I choose writing.

I've got two more interviews in store for you and a book review. After that, I'm taking a sabbatical. I'll still drop in from time to time and you can always find me on Facebook (and occasionally twitter). I'm also continuing to write guest posts and give interviews for All Together Now: A Zombie Story. If you're missing me, you might check my promotion page to see where I am. Or you could always read my book:)

It's now in print! Opening the box containing my story in paperback was absolutely exhilarating, even if being excited about a print book is like being excited to get a horse and buggy when you've already got a car.

Honestly, I don't know what this blog will look like next year. I don't know what my life is going to look like. Fatherhood is something I'm learning as I go.

But if you still want to read this blog, Esteemed Reader, I'll still want to write it. So after Thanksgiving, the blog will be quiet for a while. You can always check the archives of past book reviews and interviews with authors, literary agents, and editors, or even my posts about writing.

And you know I'll be back. Next year I'm publishing my first middle grade book, The And Then Story (actual title to be revealed soon). But for now, that's a release that comes second. I've got something more important to focus on:)

And check out this awesome cake:


  1. Great post, honey. And you're going to rock this whole fatherhood thing.

    1. Only because you're going to be a great mother. Now let's make out in front of the internets:)

  2. Best wishes to you both and be seeing ya here when we see ya!

  3. A horse and buggy feels kinda solid and dependable though, right?

    1. It's always a good idea to keep one around in case technology fails us in a disaster scenario.

      I'll always love printed books, but my unborn son already has a Kindle waiting for him. Not too long from now, physical media of all types will be quaint curiosities in a museum and an item for hobbyist. I predict X-box One and PlayStation 4 will be among the last consoles, and both those have storage capacity for downloaded games.

      Carrying Harry Potter 4 as a book hurts my wrist, but I've got the whole series on a Kindle (as well as your book) I can slide in my pocket. Eventually I'll have them all on a chip in my head and I'll be able to read them without holding anything.


Thanks for stopping by, Esteemed Reader! And thanks for taking the time to comment. You are awesome.