
Friday, April 4, 2014

Introducing The Middle Grade Ninja Newsletter

Hello there, Esteemed Reader. The blog has slowed down a bit at the moment. Sorry about that. I'm typing this with Little Ninja on my chest in the midst of revising one project, writing another, and planning a third. It would be work if I didn't love it so much. As is, writing and planning books is now what I do during the time I used to play video games.

I'm learning publishing as I go and as promised I'll share my lessons with you. Every source I've consulted assures me that to make it as an indie author I need to have a mailing list. That sounds like fun to me, so I've got one going and you can sign up right now.

The Middle Grade Ninja Newsletter will be an update about going-ons at this blog. When I secure my next big author or agent interview, I may share it through the newsletter before posting it here and I'll also send occasional information about book sales and free ebooks. I promise never to bug my subscribers more than twice a month and probably not that often. The newsletter is free if you want to sign up. I think it's going to be a good time.

My critique group the YA Cannibals has got some big things coming your way as well, including a possible podcast (still in the planning stages). Wouldn't you like to listen to Mike Mullin and I debate the proper use of the word "that?" Of course you would! Who wouldn't? And check out this amazing cover reveal for Love and Other Unknown Variables by one of my besties, YA Cannibal Shannon Lee Alexander. Isn't that a swell looking cover? It's an even better book, so you should pre-order it immediately. 

Speaking of cover reveals, I've got a new adult horror novella coming your way next week. Steven Novak's incredible cover is on display over at one of my favorite book blogs, The Bookie Monster. Head there for more details about the book and to enter her contest to win a free copy of both my newest and All Together Now. I'll be posting an afterword here next week.

Since I'm not posting Mr. Novak's cover here (yet), I wanted to share this sweet logo he made for the YA Cannibals. It looks to me like it was meant to be worn on the back of a leather jacket and next time the cannibals head to a conference, expect to see us wearing our insignia like the rough, tough gang of young adult writers we are:)  

I can't say enough about the artwork of Steven Novak. My biggest regret is that I can't write more books fast enough for him to design covers for. But he's working on a new kid-friendly cover now to be revealed sometime next month for The And Then Story. I promise, this summer, you'll know why I call myself the MIDDLE GRADE Ninja instead of the Adult Horror Ninja:)

Until then, I have so much to do and all of it is fun, fun, fun!

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Thanks for stopping by, Esteemed Reader! And thanks for taking the time to comment. You are awesome.